My Kamailio Config
05-04, 11:30–12:00 (Europe/Berlin), Meeting Room

This talk should maybe be titled "How (NOT) to write a Kamailio Config" :-)

Some of us at Osmocom have had reason to use Kamailio in recent years, even if only as a basic endpoint for osmo-sip-connector to loop back to itself.

Kamailio is quite powerful, and it might be of interest to briefly go through the things I did with it, and also two other related FOSS projects: SEMS and RTPENGINE

  • Routing DID
  • Routing with Osmo dGSM
  • Gateway to Jitsi Conferences
  • Mangling Caller ID
  • Failover routing (Terrestrial/vSAT switch)
  • Codec Transcoding decisions (with multiple transcoding hosts and optional direct RTP without transcoding)

All this can be learned by reading Kamailo docs, however, there's nothing like learning from real experience, right? (or sharing that experience, and examples)

Officially technology coordinator at Rhizomatica since around 2016.
Unofficially co-"founder" of said organisation since 2011.

These days, More interested in the social effects of technology and digital networking than the technology itself.

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