Community cellular network implementations in Latin America
10-18, 16:45–17:30 (Europe/Berlin), Conference Venue

An overview of how organizations and communities are using Osmo projects to create real-world implementations of low-cost, community-based cellular networks

This talk will cover network implementations, particularly in Latin America, and explore how they are using Osmocom project software to create low-cost, sustainable projects. We will look further at how these networks are started, organized, funded, and maintained, as well as the impact they have on local communities. We will also suggest some areas where the Osmo community could be more proactive in supporting these efforts.

See also: Slides in PDF format (11.9 MB)

Born in Philadelphia USA, Mr Bloom holds a BA in Urban Studies from the University of Pennsylvania and a Master's degree in Rural Development from the Autonomous Metropolitan University in Xochimilco, Mexico. He is the founder in 2002 and ex-director of Juntos, the first organization in Philadelphia dedicated to organizing and defending the human rights of latino immigrants. In 2009 Peter began working in Nigeria as a development consultant and media maker and lived in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria for two years co-founding the Media for Justice Project based outside of Port Harcourt. Since 2011 Peter has been coordinating Rhizomatica, an organization he started to promote new communication technologies and more friendly regulation for local networks. Rhizomatica founded and helps run the first federated, community owned and managed cell phone network in the Americas. They also support similar deployments in Brazil, Nicaragua and Colombia.